Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012 election

2012 Election
This election is a very close one. The two candidates Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama have been campaigning all over this nation for the last months trying to gain the support of as many people as they could. If I were to have the privilege to vote in this election I would vote Mitt Romney. Mitt is the candidate that has very much business and management career success, executive governing experience, and shows great character and leadership. Obama on the other hand has showed poor management of our economy, broke many promises, and doesn’t have a good foreign policy.
Mitt Romney has had very much business and management career success. According to, “The American economy is in desperate need of a turnaround artist. Mitt Romney has made his career in the private sector doing exactly that -- turning around failing business and enterprises.” He has made many investments in failing companies, and they turn around to become very successful and they are thriving still today. Governor Romney also has much executive governing experience. As governor of Massachusetts, he reduced their debt, created tons of jobs, and was loved by the citizens of Massachusetts. “Romney closed the budget deficit without raising state taxes, but by raising fees and closing tax loopholes. Although the number of jobs created during his term was ranked near the bottom compared with other states, Massachusetts did progress from shedding jobs to creating tens of thousands. The unemployment rate dropped from 5.6% to 4.7%. And he accomplished all this with a Democrat legislature.” The way he runs things would be very beneficial to our country. He is also a person of good moral character and shows great leadership.” In reality, Mitt Romney, the man, husband and leader, is a deeply benevolent, compassionate, and decent man. In the debates that finally showed through and in the closing weeks of the campaign it has echoed around the country as Romney and his surrogates have proactively told the stories of the real Romney.” Romney was attacked by millions of dollars of negative ads launched by the Obama campaign. He didn’t let any of this slow him down and continued to work towards his goal of winning the presidency.
“The U.S. is mired in the midst of the worst recovery since the Great Depression: 43 straight months of unemployment over 8%. The unemployment rate when Barack Obama took office was 7.8% and today it is 8.1%. Worse, the labor force is shrinking to record lows. People are giving up looking for work.” President Obama has showed very poor handling of our nation’s economy. More and more people are becoming unemployed, and we continue to increase our nation’s debt. Also throughout his presidency he has broken many promises. “He promised to cut the deficit in half in his first term. He sought in Cairo in 2009 a "new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world." He promised to change the "tone" of Washington. His economic team promised that his $800 billion stimulus package would keep the unemployment rate under 8 percent. In 2008, he promised to tackle entitlement reform in his first term. Before Obamacare was passed Obama promised to "cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year" and that "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan." He has broken all these promises that are a very big deal in our lives. Finally he doesn’t have a solid foreign policy. “the foreign policy record of this administration has largely been one of capitulation, indecision and weakness.”

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